Thursday, 15 September 2011

Slow cooked lamb with pistachio honey dressing

Last weekend we caught up with some friends for a leisurely lunch which was absolutely delicious.  Fall off the bone lamb, subtle honey flavour and crunch of the pistachio nuts - mmmm.  And the colour, it was fabulous!

The lamb was cooked to perfection (yummo!) - in fact it was so delicious that by the time I thought of photographing it, the pot was empty!  So the photo below is from the Donna Hay magazine instead where my friend got the recipe from... oh, and the yoghurt dip was fabulous too (haven't got a photo of that either - we were all very hungry can you tell?...)

Slow Cooked Lamb with Pistachio Honey Dressing

2kg lamb shoulder, bone in / 8 cloves garlic / 1/2 cup red wine vinegar/ 1/4 cup brown sugar / rind of 1 orange / 2 sticks cinnamon
Pistachio dressing
1/2 cup honey / 1tablespoon red wine vinegar / 1/2 sliced pistachio / 2 cups flat leaf parsley leaves, roughly chopped

Preheat oven 180c.  Put the lamb, garlic, vinegar, sugar, orange and cinnamon in a baking tray and cover with further 30 mins until golden.
Place the honey & vinegar in a bowl and mix to combine.  Add the pistachio and parsley and stir.  Place the pistachio dressing on the lamb to serve.  Serves 4-6.

Donna Hay Magazine, Issue 58, Aug/Sept 11

Thanks Rachael!


Anonymous said...

that looks delicious!

No more food left when you want to take a photo ... I've been there ;-)

Isabel said...

that looks fantastic - wish I ate lamb!

The Style Schedule said...

Lisa, it was heavenly...and really easy to make.

MissIsabel, whaatt, no lamb!

E. said...

Looks gorgeous! I'll definitely give it a try.

x E.

Audrey said...

In my sister's restaurant I allways order lamb chops, so delicious, the taste of it!! so soft..heavenly!

Rachael T said...

That was so good, even if I do say so myself!!! Credit to the La Chasseur I think.

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