Monday, 11 March 2013

As Bright as Bright can be...

Enjoying some warmth from the sun today (it's a scorcher!) on this long weekend and just taking it very, very easy.

What a great start to the week I must say!

Hope you're having a lovely start to your week too.

This photo below by Mario Testino (one of several to make it to an exhibition in LA's PRISM gallery this month) might give you a little insight on my day today.

Photo Mario Testino
Via Harpers Bazaar


Anonymous said...

Thanks, it's bloody snowing over here!

Note to self: move to Australia.

fashionsensitive said...

And speaking of yellow, I am dreaming of one piece swimwear, but did not know the color, now I think I know it :))) However, yellow is good for a more tanned skin than my white milk one...hmmm!

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